Titel: Birdwatcher and artist Glenn Ibbitson, Buntstifte Polychromos, 24 x 16 cm
Thank you, Glenn.
You showed me my first gannet and the razorbills and the snow bunting at Strumble Head, Wales.
I hope, we will see us soon.
www.smokingbrushfineart.com = painting, drawing, printmaking, film and collage.
My children illustration, dedicated to Glenn. Trilogy: Gannet jump, a goodnight story.
Gannet’s jump from the chair, Acryl 70 x 50 cm
Gannet’s flight up to the sky, Acryl 50 x 70 cm
Gannet’s landing in the bed. Goodnight :-))), Acryl 70 x 50 cm
My children illustration, dedicated to Glenn.
Razorbills are flying to school. Acryl 60 x 43 cm
My children illustration, dedicated to Glenn.
Snow Bunting is playing a snowball fight. Acryl 50 x 35 cm